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Demo Trading Competition - Win REAL money prizes

Demo Trading Competition - Win REAL money prizes


Trade Demo account for 1 month and win  2000 USD prize. 

On the first day of each month, please enroll by creating a NEW Contest Demo account in your trading cabinet. To do so, navigate to the Trader area, select "Accounts," and choose the Demo Contest account type for the respective month. The Trading Competition will span the entire month, and the winners will be announced at the beginning of the following month.

✅ There are no financial risks, but the winners get real cash prizes!

Get a chance to win real money &  improve  your trading skills!

🥇 1st Prize  - 2 000 USD 

🥈 2nd Prize  - 1 000 USD 

🥉 3rd Prize - 500 USD 

Results of the competition will be updated on a daily basis

* All prizes will be credited to a Live trading account of the participant. T&C Apply.

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